Three journalistic sites that tell stories in multimedia are It is an unbiased look at the stories of those working, serving, and imprisioned by the criminal justice system. This is told using recorded audio, videoblogged interviews, even 360 degree image views inside jailbird's cells, (on of which reminded me of arjona in a scary way). It has links and a glossary for anyone that does not imidately understand the work being presented to them, all housed within the one stop shop place of the site.
There is a well researched timeline of the punishment and crime history. Each stylishly playing off one another. In the best and most online journalistic feature we can join in the dilogue on the forums and an E-debate platform. It's the best non-major news site I've seen.
It even provides a reading list, and contact information for organizations taking action against crime in the community.
Where and how did multimedia add value to these stories? (2) Where and how did multimedia not work right? (Use McAdams' rationale)
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